Episode 16 – José de Segovia

José de Segovia is a Spanish journalist based in Madrid with a particular interest in arts and culture. But that is not the only string to his bow, as he has also pursued theological studies at various points in Spain, the Netherlands and the UK. 

In 1982, he spent six months at the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity and as a result, got to know John Stott as a teacher, mentor and friend. Since then, he has felt Uncle John’s influence keenly, not least because he has spent his entire professional life taking Stott’s principle of double listening seriously. Alongside his journalism, he has taught theology in several institutions and is a pastor at the Reformed Church in Madrid. 


He has also been very involved in the Spanish Evangelical Alliance, and at John Stott’s recommendation, was one of the World Evangelical Alliance’s representatives in its theological dialogues with the Vatican. 

• More on LICC
• José’s blog (in Spanish) – including many posts about John Stott
• José’s podcast series about John Stott (in Spanish)
• Reformed Church of Madrid (where José pastors)