Langham Partnership
Through Langham, churches in the Majority World are equipped for mission and growth. Your monthly support as a Langham partner helps us reach more people with the power of God’s Word.
John Stott used his ministry to help start and assist a number of ministries around the world. Apart from Langham, his influence and impact continues to be felt through the following ministries.
Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion (EFAC)
Encouraging and developing biblically faithful fellowship, teaching and mission throughout the Anglican world.
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Lausanne Covenant
Challenging Christians to work together to make Jesus Christ known throughout the world
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International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES)
IFES is a movement of students sharing and living out the good news of Jesus Christ. Locally. Nationally. Globally.
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Receive Jesus is Lord: A Call to Radical Discipleship,
a free ebook authored by John Stott
Caring for Creation Today: John Stott and God’s World
Photo: Richard BewesCaring for Creation Today: John Stott and God’s Word By Ruth Padilla DeBorst This article is a revised version of an address given at All Souls, Langham Place, London to mark what would have been John Stott’s 100th birthday, in April 2021. This...
Faithfulness to the Truth Today: John Stott and God’s Word
Photo: InterVarsity Christian FellowshipFaithfulness to the Truth Today: John Stott and God’s Word By Ajith Fernando This article is a revised version of an address given at All Souls, Langham Place, London to mark what would have been John Stott’s 100th birthday, in...
Why John Stott Lived with Less
Why John Stott Lived with Less By Andy Jones The following excerpt comes from an article that first appeared on The Gospel Coalition, which supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus...