John Stott – The Vision Continues | WEBINAR (Langham Australia)

Perhaps no one has had as much of an impact on raising the standard of biblical teaching around the world as John Stott — a pastor to pastors, a servant of the global church, and a friend to all those who knew him as “Uncle John.” Long before TIME magazine identified him as one of the 100 most influential people in the world, John Stott, referred to by Billy Graham as “the most respected clergyman in the world,” was influencing the hearts and minds of all who encountered him.
He is perhaps best known for his writings, having authored more than 50 books, including two evangelical staples: Basic Christianity and The Cross of Christ. Few know that very early in his ministry, Stott irrevocably forfeited all the royalties from his books to seed and grow the ministry of Langham Partnership, a ministry that has been equipping and encouraging tens of thousands of developing churches, pastors and leaders worldwide for the past 50 years.
2021 marks 100 years since the birth of John Stott. It was Stott’s vision that every pastor in every church be equipped to preach the Bible. In 2021, Langham Partnership is committed to continuing this vision through its three programs:
• Langham Scholars
• Langham Literature
• Langham Preaching
To mark this centenary, Langham Partnership Australia are hosting a special webinar and invite you to learn how John Stott’s vision started, how his vision is being realized today, and Langham’s vision for the future. Hear first-hand stories from those who met ‘Uncle John’ and are now seeing his legacy playing out in the Majority World.
Click here to learn more about Langham Partnership.