Episode 15 – Dr Laura Yoder
Laura Meitzner Yoder is a Professor of Environmental Studies at Wheaton College in the US, and holds the John Stott Chair of Human Needs and Global Resources. She did a PhD at Yale in Forestry and Environmental Studies and has years of experience involved in environmental projects in South East Asia and Latin America. This includes work in Indonesia in the aftermath of the 2004 tsunami and teaching in Thailand and Bhutan. As it happens, she was a member of All Souls Langham Place as an older teenager, because her parents sent her to London to study for A levels. So she had several encounters with John Stott as a young woman. Little did she know then that she would end up working on the manuscript of a major work undertaken by Prof Sam Berry and left unfinished when he died. This was a compilation of everything his long-standing friend John Stott had written or taught about the environment and natural world, from a surprisingly extensive archive of material. The result of Berry’s and Yoder’s work was published in October 2021 with the title John Stott on Creation Care.
- Laura’s home page at Wheaton College
- More on John Stott on Creation Care
- More on A Rocha, the Christian conservation movement that Stott was involved in.