Episode 2 – Dr Russell Moore
Russell Moore has a unique influence in American public life: he is President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention (the largest protestant denomination in the USA) and so is frequently called upon to comment on matters of public policy and political events. What has set him apart from many on the Christian right in recent years, however, has been his principled and consistent opposition to the policies and impact of President Trump.
He has taught and exercised leadership in a seminary setting (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky), written a large number of books, and is widely regarded as a careful and discerning cultural critic. Even though he never met John Stott, he regards him as a major influence.
But it was when he posted a photograph of John on his instagram feed in the aftermath of the shocking events in Washington DC on 6th January, that prompted a conversation for this podcast.
For more on:
– Russell Moore: https://www.russellmoore.com
– Ethics and Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention: https://erlc.com
The Stott books mentioned in the discussion
– Balanced Christianity (1976)
– Issues Facing Christians Today (1984)
– The Cross of Christ (1986)
– Essentials: a liberal-evangelical dialogue, with David Edwards (1988)
The book reviewed by Kristi Mair (https://www.oakhill.ac.uk/our-people/kristi-mair)
– The Living Church (2007)