Stott with other pastors

The Bible for Today



The Bible for Today features in-depth Bible studies from the ministry of John Stott, founder of the Langham Partnership. These sermons are made available to the public through the generosity of All Souls Church in London.


Episode 52 – Concern For God’s Glory

John Stott shows the primary purpose of prayer is not to just request things for ourselves and our loved ones, but to have the glory and purposes of God first and foremost in mind. He explains Pharasaical prayer, pagen prayer and Christian prayer.

Episode 51 – Jesus’s Vision for His Church

John Stott sits in the upper room with Christ and hears Him pray for the truth of the church, the holiness of the church, the mission of the church and the unity of the church.

Episode 50 – Qualifications of Christian Leaders (Part 2)

John Stott unpacks the scriptural qualifications for a church leaders. He shows the things that should not be present in a leader as well as the requirements for eligability.

Episode 49 – Qualifications of Christian Leaders (Part 1)

John Stott explains that the health of the local church depends on the quality of its leaders. He shows that pastoral leadership was always God’s purpose, that it may take different forms and should consist of a team and not a single leader.

Episode 48 – More Than He Bargained For (Part 2)

John Stott explains why the healing of the lame man in Acts 3 was recorded, what Luke wanted his readers to learn from it and what lessons it has for us today.

Episode 47 – More Than He Bargained For (Part 1)

John Stott carefully analyses the miraculous healing of the lame man recorded in Acts 3. John asks why that particular event was recorded and whether we should expect miraculous healing today.

Episode 46 – Repudiating Greed (Part 2)

John Stott sets our wealth and affluence against the grinding poverty in the world. He explains how the christians attitude towards money should be neither materialsim nor asceticism but the middle ground of contentment.

Episode 45 – Repudiating Greed (Part 1)

John Stott explains what the apostle Paul meant about slaves and masters in the context of his day. John also shows us how to identify false teachers and begins to set out the basis of how we should handle our money as Christians.

Episode 44 – Christ Will Come Again (Part 2)

John Stott describes the certainty of Christ’s return even though its timing cannot be predicted. He warns of the need to be ready for when Christ returns.

Episode 43 – Christ Will Come Again (Part 1)

John Stott uses Scripture to dismantle the objections often raised against the return of Jesus. John shows why Christ’s return is the only event Christ predicted that is yet to be fulfilled.

Episode 42 – The Greatest Invitation Ever Made (Part 2)

John Stott outlines from whom the invitation is sent; to whom it is addressed; what Jesus offers and what He asks from us.

Episode 41 – The Greatest Invitation Ever Made (Part 1)

John Stott shows us how the heavy burdens we carry in life can be taken from us when we trust Jesus Christ. John explains that in its place we take the light burden of obedience to Christ as our Lord.

Episode 40 – Growing In The Prayer Life (Part 2)

John Stott uses the ‘Lord’s prayer’ as a template for our prayer life showing that we can only bring our prayers to God as our Father when we have become His children through faith in Christ.

Episode 39 – Growing In The Prayer Life (Part 1)

John Stott explains how praying is the Christian’s greatest privilege. He warns us from Scripture how not to pray and encourages us as to how we should pray.

Episode 38 – The Cause of His Death (Part 2)

John Stott takes us to the Last Supper as Jesus explains to His disciples the signifcance of the bread and wine. John explains what Jesus meant when He asked for the cup [of suffering] to be taken from Him and why Jesus was forsaken by His Father.

Episode 37 – The Cause of His Death (Part 1)

John Stott explains why God cannot simply forgive our misdemeanours, as we would forgive one another, and why it was necessary for Jesus to die for us on the cross.

Episode 36 – The Conscience (Part 2)

John Stott shows how as Christians we can put the cross of Christ between the devil and our conscience. But he also shows how it is possible to deaden our conscience to what God says which is what is meant by blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

Episode 35 – The Conscience (Part 1)

John Stott shows us that our conscience is what makes us different from the animal kingdom. He explains the place of our conscience in Christian conversion, Christian relationships and Christian maturity.

Episode 34 – The Mind (Part 2)

John Stott shows us how we need to use our minds in order to worship God. He also shows us that using our mind is necessary when we place our faith in Him for salvation and encourages us to repent of ‘anti-intellectualism’ in our Christian life.

Episode 33 – The Mind (Part 1)

John Stott explains that the mind is the central citadel of the human personality that directs our human operations. He sets God’s purpose for us to think before we act against the current trend of emptying our minds in order to meditate.

Episode 32 – All By Myself (Part 2)

John Stott shows us how we need to use our minds in order to worship God. He also shows us that using our mind is necessary when we place our faith in Him for salvation and encourages us to repent of ‘anti-intellectualism’ in our Christian life.

Episode 31 – All By Myself (Part 1)

John Stott examines the two statements of scripture: “It is not good for the man to be alone” Gen.1:18 and “It is good for a man not to marry” 1 Cor.7:8 and gives a frank and Biblical view on singleness.

Episode 30 – Jesus, The Saviour of the World (Part 2)

John Stott shows us that the message of Luke’s gospel is good news of salvation, affecting both our past – through forgiveness of sins, and our future – by the giving of the Holy Spirit to indwell us every day.

Episode 29 – Jesus, The Saviour of the World (Part 1)

John Stott gives one aspect of the fourfold portrait of Christ as painted by Dr. Luke in his gospel record. He shows that no one is untouchable by Christ, the healer of broken lives and hearts.

Episode 28 – God of Love (Part 2)

John Stott shows us that if we have been born again, we will manifest the nature of the God who has begotten us again and we should exhibit the love of the God we claim to know.

Episode 27 – God of Love (Part 1)

John Stott explains why we will never truly know what it is to be a human being unless we know the God who made us and why there is a huge difference between knowing about God and knowing Him personally.

Episode 26 – The Bible – Trustworthy or Fallible? (Part 2)

John Stott investigates how of the thousands who saw Jesus when He was on earth, some wrote eye witness accounts which we now have as the four Gospels.

Episode 25 – The Bible – Trustworthy or Fallible? (Part 1)

John Stott shows that in a world of relativism there is absolute truth to be found in the Bible, and why the Bible can be seen to be completely infallible.

Episode 24 – The Cross and God (Part 2)

John Stott explains that God’s love is shown to us by the action he took in giving the most valuable gift possible in the person of His son Jesus.

Episode 23 – The Cross and God (Part 1)

John Stott shows how that the cross of Christ is not only a deed done for us but a word spoken to us. The cross demonstrates God’s love to us despite our being completely undeserving of it.

Episode 22 – Jesus Christ: Tried, Tested And Proven (Part 2)

John Stott shows that although we have never seen Jesus, there were many who did when He was on earth. Some of those people wrote down eye-witness accounts of what they saw. Stott investigates some of these accounts.

Episode 21 – Jesus Christ – Tried, Tested And Proven (Part 1)

John Stott investigates how the church went from being a handful of people that Jesus gathered around Him to the world-wide phenomenon it is today.

Episode 20 – Marks of a Healthy Church (Part 2)

John Stott shows how it is sometimes possible to avoid ‘speaking truth to power’ if it means receiving less opposition. He explains that there must be steadfastness in adherence to what the Bible says regarless of the cost. 

Episode 19 – Marks of a Healthy Church (Part 1)

John Stott explains that while it is good to expect revival in the church, there are certain things that are necessary for this to happen. He shows that the church must firstly be healthy, and what constitutes a healthy church.


Episode 18 – The Spirit and the Bible (Part 2)

John Stott shows how that being faithful to the Bible can often result in the church facing opposition, and why we need to be steadfast in our belief in the Scriptures.


Episode 17 – The Spirit and the Bible (Part 1)

John Stott explains how the Bible came into existence and how God spoke to individual writers through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. John Stott shows why the Holy Bible and the Holy Spirit are inseperable.


Episode 16 – Encounter with Jesus (Part 2)

John Stott shows us that there is a world of difference between knowing about Jesus and knowing Jesus personally, and how this can only happen by us opening our hearts to accept Christ as Savior.


Episode 15 – Encounter with Jesus (Part 1)

John Stott explains that Christianity is not us being a slave to a belief or ethical system but the freedom that can only be found through faith and trust in Christ.


Episode 14 – Peace with God (Part 2)

We can long for peace between nations, in our jobs, in our homes and in our relationships. But John Stott shows us that we will never be at peace with one another until we are at peace with God through Jesus Christ.


Episode 13 – Peace with God (Part 1)

John Stott shows us that peace is far more than the absence of conflict or noise. He explains that true peace is different because it relies not on external circumstances but on our relationship with God through Christ.


Episode 12 – Unto Christ (Part 2)

John Stott explains how our relationships with our colleagues and one another will only be right when we are in a right relationship with God.


Episode 11 – Unto Christ (Part 1)

John Stott shows us that as Christians we are always to set Christ before us, and our concern should be to serve Him more and more.


Episode 10 – No Compromise with the Devil (Part 2)

When we succumb to temptation as Christians, John Stott shows us that Christ left us an example of how to deal with temptation and the devil.


Episode 9 – No Compromise with the Devil (Part 1)

Whilst Christ-likeness should be the goal of every Christian, John Stott shows us how the Holy Spirit is transforming us into the image of Christ.


Episode 8 – God’s New Society (Part 2)

John Stott shows us that our relationship with God is made possible through the work of Christ in abolishing the law in order to create a new humanity.

Episode 7 – God’s New Society (Part 1)

John Stott explains why we can feel a sense of meaninglessness and lostness in the world.

Episode 6 – The Status of Sons (Part 2)

John Stott shows us that for us to be sons of God we must be united to Him by faith in Jesus Christ, making us God’s children by adoption.

Episode 5 – The Status of Sons (Part 1)

John Stott explains what is involved in being a child of God and living as God’s children in the world with God as our Father.

Episode 4 – A Charge to Church Elders (Part 2)

John Stott uses the example of the apostle Paul to show how church leadership should be done according to Scripture.

Episode 3 – A Charge to Church Elders (Part 1)

Whilst the leadership within each church may vary, John Stott uncovers the blueprint for church leadership that is laid out in Scripture.

Episode 2 – Introduction to Genesis (Part 2)

John Stott shows how Genesis is ‘God Breathed’ and must be regarded primarily as a book of salvation and not of science.

Episode 1 – Introduction to Genesis (Part 1)

John Stott explains why we must have the firm foundation of Genesis in place if we are ever to build our understanding of Scripture.


Jesus is Lord cover

Receive Jesus is Lord: A Call to Radical Discipleship,
a free ebook authored by John Stott

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