The Stott Legacy Podcast
For all his public ministry and the global influence through his writing, John Stott was deeply loved as a treasured friend. All over the world, individuals remember his prayerful concern and words in season. He was not a man to present himself publicly in one way only to undermine that in private.
In commemorating the centenary of his birth this year, what better way than spending time with some of those friends. In each episode, we will meet someone to hear their stories and learn some of the lessons they themselves learned Uncle John.

Chris Wright (PhD, Cambridge) is an Old Testament scholar and missiologist who is a prolific writer and sought-after teacher all over the world.
Tayo Arikawe is International Director of Langham Partnership. Prior to joining Langham, he was the Director of Ministries for London City Mission.

Dr Ajith Fernando is an author and Teaching Director of Youth for Christ, Sri Lanka—a ministry he led as National Director for 35 years.

Dr Marcelo Vargas lives in La Paz, capital of his native Bolivia, where he is the director of the Centro de Capacitación Misionera, or the Mission Training Centre.
Episodes 21 & 22 – Prof John Wyatt

John Wyatt is Professor of Ethics and Perinatology at University College London and also Emeritus Professor of Neonatal Paediatrics, Ethics & Perinatology at University College London.
Episode 20 – Rico Tice

Rico Tice is a passionate evangelist known on university campuses and in local churches all over, in particular through Christianity Explored (CE) Ministries.
Episode 19 – Dr Elaine Storkey

Elaine Storkey is a philosopher and sociologist who has worked for many years at the interface of the Church and the Academy.
Episodes 17 & 18 – Bp Timothy Dudley-Smith

Bp Timothy Dudley-Smith is a world-renowned hymn writer and official biographer for John Stott.
Episode 16 – José de Segovia

José de Segovia is a Spanish journalist based in Madrid.
Episode 15 – Dr Laura Yoder

Laura Meitzner Yoder is a Professor of Environmental Studies at Wheaton College in the US, and holds the John Stott Chair of Human Needs and Global Resources.
Episode 14 – Ted Schroder

Ted Schroder was appointed by John Stott as curate at All Souls Langham Place in London.
Episode 13 – Bp Robert Aboagye-Mensah

Bp Robert Aboagye-Mensah is a theologian and scholar, pastor and leader, a thinker for the church and the public square, and served as the Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church in his native Ghana from 2003-2009.
Episode 12 – Prof Jerram Barrs

Jerram Barrs teaches apologetics at Covenant Theological Seminary in St Louis since 1989 and currently serves as the Francis Schaeffer Chair of Christian Studies and Contemporary Culture.
Episode 11 – Dr Corey Widmer

Dr Corey Widmer served as John Stott’s study assistant for three years in the late 1990s.
Episode 10 – Jeremy Vine

Jeremy Vine is a veteran journalist with the BBC and author of It’s All News To Me.
Episode 9 – Dr John Dickson

John Dickson is an ordained anglican minister and founder of the Centre for Public Christianity.
Episode 8 – Dr Ruth Padilla deBorst

Dr Ruth Padilla deBorst is a noted Latin American theologian and missiologist.
Episode 7 – Ria Pasaribu

Ria Pasaribu serves on the staff of OMF (Overseas Missionary Fellowship).
Episode 5 – Gail and Jorge Atiencia

Gail and Jorge Atiencia, Leaders of the Langham Preaching movement in Latin America.
Special Episode – Frances Whitehead

Frances Whitehead, right hand to John Stott for 55 years: gatekeeper, administrator, typist, encourager and enabler.
Episode 4 – Kosta Milkov

Kosta Milkov, writer and theologian based in Skopje, Macedonia.
Episode 3 – Christopher Catherwood

Christopher Catherwood, historian and grandson of Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones.
Episode 2 – Dr Russell Moore

Dr Russell Moore, President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Episode 1 – Gottfried Osei-Mensah

Gottfried Osei-Mensah, retired pastor and first General Secretary of the Lausanne Movement.

Receive Jesus is Lord: A Call to Radical Discipleship,
a free ebook authored by John Stott
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